
Grand Family Association of the Philippines

Address 地址: 2500-04 Jose Abad Santos Ave. cor. 1207-13 Cavite St. Tondo, Manila, Philippines
Telephone 电话: 516-1700, 516-2688 • Fax 传真: 516-6634
1 Member

Grand Family Association of the Philippines | 菲律濱各宗親會聯合會


Generally, a family association is an organization formed by people who share a common ancestor or surname. They join together for a variety of purposes including exchanging genealogical information, sharing current news about family members, having reunions, and promoting family pride.


Some family associations strive to collect information about people with their surname all over the world, while others consist of a relatively small family group in a specific geographic area. Some groups put a lot of effort into family research while others prefer to concentrate more on family reunions and current family news.


Family associations often figure prominently among the Overseas Chinese. Family association buildings are often prominent features of Chinatowns.1

Chinese clan associations (Chinese: 會館/会馆) are formed by Overseas Chinese based on dialect groups or same family names to look after their members's affairs and welfare. In modern days, Chinese Clan Associations mostly serve as places for old folks to gather; the younger generations are seldom involved in clan activities.2


All affiliated members of è²å¾‹æ¿±å„宗親會聯合會 | Grand Family Association of the Philippines

旅菲臨濮總堂 | Lin Pok Sy Foundation Inc. – æ–½ | Sy, See, Siy, Shi etc

菲律濱許氏宗親總會 | Philippine Kho’s Association – 許 | Kho, Co, Ko, Xu, Hui etc

菲律濱滎陽鄭氏宗親會 | Tee’s Charitable Association Inc. – é„­ | Tee, Ty, Zheng etc

菲律濱太原王氏宗親總會 | Philippine Tai Guan Ong’s Association – 王 | Ong, Wang etc

菲律濱濟陽柯蔡宗親總會 | Che Yong Cua Chua Association – 柯, 蔡 | Cua, Chua, Ke, Cai, Choi etc

菲華偽汭五姓聯宗總會 | Filipinas Chinese Wei Due Fraternity – 姚, 虞, 陳, 胡, ç”° | Yao, Yu, Tan, Aw, Tian, Yeu, Chen, Hu etc

菲律濱六桂堂宗親總會 | Philippine Lioc Kui Foundation Inc. – æ´ª, é¾”, æ–¹, 江, 翁, 汪 | Ang, King, Hong, Kang, Ong-, Hung, Jiang etc

菲律濱讓德吳氏宗親總會 | Philippine Liong Tek Fraternity – 吳 | Go, Wu, Ng etc

菲律濱江夏黃氏宗親總會 | Philippine Kang Ha Association Inc. – 黃 | Uy, Huang etc

菲律濱西河林氏宗親總會 | Se Jo Tong Family Association Inc. – æž— | Lim, Lin, Lam etc

菲律濱隴西李氏宗親總會 | Filipinas CMC & Fraternity Association Inc. – 李 | Lee, Li, Dy etc

菲律濱弘農楊氏宗親會 | Hin Long Incorporated – 楊 | Yu, Yang , Yong etc

菲律濱烈山五姓聯宗總會 | Liatsan Family Association in the Philippines – å‘‚, 盧, 高, 許, ç´€ | Lv, Lu, Gao, Xu, Ji, Co, Kho, Lo, Kee etc

菲律濱武功蘇氏宗親會 | Philippine Bukong So Association Inc.– 蘇 | So, Su etc

菲律濱版築傅賴同宗總會 | The Po Lua Families Association – å‚…, è³´ | Po, Lua, Fu, Lai etc

菲律濱龍岡公所 | Loong Kong Kung So, Inc. – 劉, é—œ, å¼µ, 趙 | Lao, Kuan, Tiu, Teo, Liu, Guan, Zhang, Zhao

菲律濱放勳堂聯宗總會 | Philippine Lao Too Family Association – 劉, 社, 陶, ç•™, 侯, 唐, 范, 凌, 伊, 士, 祁, 姬 | Lao, Too, Tuo, Hao, Tang, Fan, Ling, Yee, Shi, Qi, Ji, Liu, Haw, Tong etc

菲律濱六蘭堂宗親總會 | Philippine Liok Lan Foundation Inc. – è•­, 鍾, ç« , 葉, æž—, 沈, å°¤ | Sio, Chung, Chong, Yap, Lim, Shen, Yu etc

菲律濱潘氏宗親總會 | Pua’s Family Association – 潘 | Pua, Pan , Poon etc

菲律濱董楊宗親總會 | Tang-Yu Foundation Inc. – è‘£, 楊 | Tang, Yu etc

菲律濱深滬潁川陳氏宗親會總會 | Philippine Chim Ho Tan’s Association – 陳 | Tan, Chen etc

菲律濱河源張顏同宗總會 | Philippine Tiu Gan Family Association – å¼µ, 顏 | Tiu, Gan, Zhang, Yan etc

菲律濱寶樹謝氏宗親會 | Sia Family Association of the Philippines – 謝 | Sia, Xie etc

菲律濱曾丘宗親總會 | Chan Cu Association of the Philippines – 曾, 丘, 邱 | Chan, Cu, Qiu etc

旅菲清真五姓聯宗總會 | Ching Shen Family Association – 金, 丁, 馬, 白, 郭 | Kim, Ting, Ma, Pe, Que, Jin, Kwok etc

菲律濱錦繡莊氏宗親總會 | Kim Siu Ching Foundation Philippines Inc. – 莊 | Ching, Zhuang etc

旅菲汾陽郭氏宗親總會 | Hun Yong Que’s Family Association – 郭 | Que etc

菲律濱朱倪宗親會 | Philippine Chu Gue Fraternity, Inc. – 朱, 倪 | Chu, Gue, Ni, Zhu etc

菲律濱咸陽五姓聯宗會 | Ham Yong Fraternity Inc. – 魏, 馮, 梁, ç•¢, 萬 | Wee, Hong, Niu, Man, Wei, Fong, Liang, Bi, Wan etc

菲律濱宋戴宗親總會 | Philippine Song Te Family Association, Inc. – 宋, 戴 | Song, Sung, Te, Tai etc

菲律濱聚書丁氏宗親總會 | Philippine Ting’s Family Association – 丁 | Ting

菲律濱盧江何氏宗親會 | Philippine Ho Family Association, Inc. – 何 | Ho

菲律濱溯源堂 | Soo Yuen Benevolent Association, Inc. – é›·, æ–¹, 鄺 | Lui, Hong, Kuang etc

菲律濱南陽葉氏宗親總會 | Yap Fraternity Inc. – 葉 | Yap, Ye etc

旅菲雁門佘氏宗親會 | Philippine Sia’s Family Association – 佘 | Sia

旅菲甄湯中山會館 | Chung Sun Woi Kwon – 甄, 湯 | Yan, Tang

菲律濱清源留氏宗親會 | Philippine Chin Guan Lao Family Association Inc. – ç•™ | Lao

菲律濱渤海高氏宗親總會 | Philippine Pudhai Fraternity Inc. – 高 | Gao


1Wikipedia contributors. "Family association." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 18 Oct. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2010.
2Wikipedia contributors. "Chinese clan association." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 21 Jan. 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010.